Friday, March 16, 2007

Whose that Baby?

Mason turned six months old on Monday. The time has gone by sooo fast! He is learning new things on a daily basis. He is fascinated with mirrors. I wonder what he is thinking when he sees himself in the mirror. Mason is now eating baby food three times a day. He can feed himself crackers and likes most of the foods we have tried. He is still working on crawling. He can spin himself around when laying on his belly and he has good crawler form. He just needs to figure out how to move those arms!

Mason has done well transitioning to his crib. He has slept three nights downstairs now. He is still waking up once a night but, he doesn't fuss about being in his crib. It was an easier transition than I anticipated, yeah!

We had some great spring like days earlier this week. Mason wore shorts two days in a row! It was funny to see those
chubby little legs!
We have interviewed three childcare providers and I think we have found someone. It was really important to me to have Mason in a smaller setting until he is at least a year old. I found a mom who has a 14 month daughter who will only take on Mason. It will good for Mason to be around a little girl since he only plays with boys now! So, hopefully this will work out.
For those of you asking about my work, it is going well. Some days are super busy leaving me exhausted at night. However, the staff is nice and try to help me out as much as possible. It is a different type of dental practice than my last job. So, it has taken time to adjust a bit. I now see a lot of children and teens where I hardly worked on any kiddos in California. It is a nice change though!
Rob is busy with his job. He has been working on huge houses, over 5,000 square feet. I don't know what people do with houses that big! I know I wouldn't want to clean one! The biggest house he has been working at is over 11,000 square feet! Crazy!
We are still waiting to see if Sydney's foot heals. I hope it does since the medication for it is very expensive. Too bad she doesn't have insurance!

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