Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Summer Adventures

Last weekend we were off to Williamsburg, VA. We decided that we needed to start seeing some of the sites here in Virginia and learn some history! The weather was beautiful allowing us to stroll around Colonial Williamsburg. We toured the Governor's Palace and the Capital Building and watched some reenactments.

Mason decided that he is a big boy now! He is refusing to eat baby food and wants to eat what I eat! We ordered his very own meal at a restaurant for the first time last weekend. He had chicken strips. I, of course, cut off the breading and cut the chicken into bite size pieces. Mason wanted nothing to do with that! He grabbed a chicken strip, breading and all, and munched on it cave man style! Mason has also learned to clap. It is funny that he claps for himself when he is proud of himself.

We are headed to visit Rob's parents in upstate New York on Friday. It will be nice to see them since they have not seen Mason since he was two months old! He has changed dramatically since then! The hard part will be the nine hour drive. Luckily, we will have Aunt Cathy with us to entertain Mason on the way up, yeah!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Poor Baby!

This is what happens when you tell Mason no or take away something he shouldn't have! It's pretty hard to say no when he looks at you like that!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Learning and Understanding

Mason about to teach Daddy a golf lesson before the big tournament (look, Mason is standing)!
Mason in his swimming boat
Today Rob played in a golf tournament with Rick. It was the same tournament that he played in last year that resulted in winning our new car! This year, there was no car won. However, Rob played well and they had a fun guys day out.
Mason and I joined my friend Julie and her two boys at the pool today. The baby pool is only one foot deep. Mason loved the fact that he could touch and walk all over while in his swimming boat. After a good nap, Mason and I had so much fun playing together. I realized today how smart he is and how much he understands. We were playing with blocks and I would ask him to place one block on top of the other. He would do what I asked, I would clap and cheer and then he would do his little dance in excitement. I asked him to do several tasks today and he would try each one. He could put blocks in a bucket and open and close his play kitchen doors when asked. He is also working on walking! He took two steps yesterday and today without holding on! Mason turned ten months old earlier this week. It is amazing how much he has learned in his first ten months.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Just Peachy!

Sunday, Cathy and I decided to try canning peaches for the first time. We are so excited that all of our jars turned out! We have decided to try and can other things later this summer as long as we get all of the correct supplies. We did learn some lessons from not having the correct tools. For example, we definitely need canning jar tongs to remove hot jars from boiling water! Getting splashed with boiling water just isn't that much fun!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Beautiful Garden

Mason and Aunt Cathy waiting for the fireworks to start.

I harvested crops from my garden last week! I picked all of the lettuce and a zucchini. The tomato bushes are loaded and hopefully they will ripen soon. Yesterday I noticed that the cantaloupe plants finally had little cantaloupes growing! I will harvest two more zucchini tomorrow. It is exciting to see how well everything is growing!

On the Fourth of July I ran a 5K race with Cathy and Julie. I was proud of myself for running the whole thing. However, I ended up hurting my knee. Thus, I was unable to attend the training session today. My knee is feeling a bit better so hopefully I will be back in action soon! We spent the rest of the Fourth with Rick, Cathy and the Boys. We watched fireworks and Mason enjoyed them. He didn't even flinch with the big booms!

Thursday night Mason attended his first baseball game. We went to a AAA game; Richmond Braves vs. Syracuse Chiefs. Unfortunately there was a rain delay so the game started late. We ended up leaving in the seventh inning as it was already 11:15 pm. Mason did well but he was extremely tired from being up late two nights in a row... and so was I! Mason ate his first hot dog at a ball game!

Mason is on his way to standing on his own. He has been standing up from sitting without pulling up on anything. He has also started shaking his head no when I tell him "no, no". Too cute! He has also been using the sign for milk when he sees a bottle or when he wants some milk. He is pretty smart!