Saturday, April 18, 2009

Busy Bee's

We have been very busy lately. Rob has been working long hours and even weekends. Even though that is hard on the whole family, we are thankful since many people are without jobs.
Mason has started soccer. He is playing in the Parent and Me division and he is doing great! He loves to “score” goals and can even dribble the ball. Today they played red light, green light during practice and he was the first one down the field both times!
Brennan is 11 months old. He has many firsts going on. He has taken a few steps not holding on. Brennan has been walking holding onto objects for some time now. But, he has become braver in the last few days! Brennan also started calling out Mama! I am thrilled with that! He loves to watch Mason and try to copy him. Brennan loves outdoors, just like Mason. I have a feeling we will be outdoors from now until next fall!
As if I wasn’t busy enough, I have started a business with my friend Amee. Madame Deals will bring you up to date on the many ways to save money on groceries and fashion. We are also developing a hands on workshop for new coupon users and a coupon organizing system. So stay tuned and check our site out!
We are working on our vegetable garden. We are excited to have even a bigger garden this year!
Hopefully by the end of this year we will have a new garage which will allow us to have an extra freezer so we can preserve our harvest for the winter.