Saturday, September 20, 2008

Healthy Boys!

Brennan in his excersaucer for the 1st time!

Mason collecting acorns in his pocket!
The boys had their checkup with the pediatrician yesterday. Mason weighed in at 26 pounds is about 35 inches tall. He is doing well in all aspects of his develepment- speech, social, cognitive and motor skills. My favorite thing that he says right now is "watch out cars" when I am driving! Does he think I am a bad driver or what? Mason loves "Blue's Clues" and "Jay Jay the Jet Plane". He continues to love sports and outdoors.
Brennan weighed in at 15 pounds 8 ounces and 24.5 inches long at four months. He is chubby and we love those rolls! Brennan is advanced with his motor skills. He can now turn himself in a circle while on his belly. Brennan's new favorite activity is jumping! If he is standing on your legs he is contastantly jumping. He is a happy baby!
We are headed to California on Wednesday... yeah! So, the rest of the week will be busy for us!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Happy 2nd Birthday Mason!

Mason mowing like Daddy! Note: The swing set in the background; this was before it was done.
Mason still likes to play with boxes!
Happy Brennan!

Mason turned two on Friday! We had a party for him yesterday with family and friends. For Mason's birthday present we got him a wooden swing set. We bought it used and Rob (with Rick's help) has been working hard on it the last couple of weeks. Mason loves to swing and slide! He also loves to pretend like he is working on the swing set too... he uses the level and pretends to put screws in! I will post pictures of Mason's party when I get them.

Brennan continues to grow quickly. He has been rolling for two weeks now. He rolls really well from back to front and he sometimes manages to roll the reverse direction. Brennan can also inch his way forward and backward while on his tummy. He is very strong!