Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Play Time

Mason loves to play. He has a variety of baby toys that he enjoys. However, his favorite things to play with are not toys at all! He loves tags on clothes/toys, strings on hooded sweatshirts, empty water bottles, remote controls and paper. It is so funny to watch how fascinated he is with non-toy items. He now has a toy remote control. We will see how long he will be interested in that!

Mason has also out grown his aquarium bouncer. As you can see in the picture, he now sits up in it trying to get to those fish!

Mason also has his tongue out half of the time. It is so funny to see him smiling with his tongue hanging out. He has also discovered how to razz and blow bubbles. In this picture, he has just finished his breakfast and is posing for the camera!

We are still slowly introducing foods to him. He has tried baby oatmeal and butternut squash this last week. We are on to greens beans next and then he can finally start on the fruits!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Bless You!

Mason thinks it is hilarious when you sneeze! He will laugh just about every time you fake sneezing. This picture, courtesy of Uncle Rick, was taken during one of our fake sneezing sessions. Too cute!
We have also discovered that Mason is starting to get a little separation or stranger anxiety. He has always been really good at "pass the baby" up until this last week. I guess this is the next phase he goes through.
One of our biggest challenges has been to find socks that fit Mason's feet! His feet are very chubby and he has cankles not ankles! Today I think we may have finally found some that will work. Usually if we get them big enough to fit the cankle, they are too big and fall off constantly. I hope these work or he is in for some cold feet!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Mason is a big boy!

Okay... I have figured out how to post pictures now! These pictures of Mason were taken on Feb 21st. He now weighs about 17 pounds. What a chunker! He laughs and smiles a lot. He enjoys playing with his cousins, Brad, Ben and Blake. They make Mason laugh so much! I think it is those funny faces!

Blog Creation

Hello All!
We have decided to create a blog in order to give you family updates. I am sure we will mostly write about Mason and post pictures! He is growing so fast and has reached many milestones this last week. He can now sit unsupported, gives hugs and plays like crazy!
Stay tuned for the next update!