Thursday, June 26, 2008


Brennan: two weeks ago
Mason loves water!
Well, we have been really busy! I have been wanting to update pictures on here for weeks! My computer time is very limited! Brennan weighed in at 10 lbs 8ozs last week at his one month appointment. He is a big boy! He started smiling this week and he has big dimples like his mommy! Mason is adjusting well. Mason loves to help me with Brennan: he pushes the baby swing, rubs Brennan's feet or belly when he cries, helps me give him baths and tries to give Brennan a pacifier. Mason was sick about two weeks ago with an ear infection and yeast infection which made life tough for awhile. He is feeling better now and we have had many good days. Although, Mason is starting to test me now that he is almost two:)