Thursday, May 3, 2007

New Adventures

Mason's motor skills have improved so much over the past week! He can crawl regularly now and go from sitting to crawling with ease. He is hard to keep track of which makes my job really busy! He has found new adventures such as the dogs water bowl! I can no longer plop him down with a pile of toys since he will most likely roam or pull himself up to standing. We received a walker for him which is helpful. Another big milestone is that he started sleeping through the night... Yeah! The only problem is that 5 AM is his new wake up time! It will take Mommy some time to get use to that!
Rob left for a golf trip with Rick today. They will be gone until Sunday. I think I may be worn out by the time they get back! Animal update: Sydney is doing better and her foot seems to have healed. She has had two other injuries since the toe. She ran into the deck and cut her nose and she tore a toenail off. She is so injury prone! Charlie, the cat, has the newest injury. He was bitten by something that caused an abscess. The vet thinks it was another cat which I was thankful for since the bite looked like a snake bite to me! I really think we should have veterinary insurance!
Mason and I started a mommy and me swim class. He loves the water! He is the youngest one in the class. He kicks, splashes and smiles the whole time! It is a workout for mommy... we run in the pool and do things such as arm lifts with baby. I am going to try and get into shape as Cathy and I are going to run the Wome's 4 Miler in September. It is a fundraiser for breast cancer.

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