Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Holiday Update

Mason's new lounging chair
Overwhelmed by presents!
Cat riding- a new sport!
Well, here we are in the new year...2008! We had a wonderful Christmas with Rob's side of the family. On Christmas Eve, we had the family over to our house for dinner. Christmas morning we ventured out early to Rick and Cathy's house to open presents and start the day of eating! Mason was a bit overwhelmed with the whole thing. He was not sure about all of the presents and people everywhere. In the middle of opening presents, we put Mason down for a nap and he slept for two hours! I am sure next year will be a whole different experience for him.
For New Year's Eve, we had Rick, Cathy, Brad, Ben and Blake over for game night. They received the Wii for Christmas and brought it over for us to try. It was a lot of fun and you actually do get a bit of a workout depending on which games you are playing.
Mason had his 15 month checkup last week. He still has an ear infection so he is back on medication. the other concern was that he has not gained weight in the last three months. He has grown taller and is actually average in that category. However, he has dropped to the 5th percentile for weight. So, we are trying to fatten him up! I am sure it is due to the fact that he is very active and I am guessing he has a fast metabolism like Rob and I do. We go back to his Dr. in two weeks to check his ears again.
Besides the health concerns, Mason is doing great! He is very smart and learning every day. He has recently showed us that he knows some sign language. I had good intentions of teaching him baby sign language but fell off tract of doing the signs myself. Mason watches a couple of sign language videos though. This week he signed "ball" and "more" while saying the words at the same time. Rob was not convinced at first that Mason was actually signing intentionally. So, Rob asked Mason "Show me the sign for ball." Mason promptly signed ball. I guess those videos really work!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hahaha! I love the cat riding. I can't wait to see what Frida will do if Carina tries that one!

Glad you guys had a good holiday - next year will be twice the fun with the new little one!