Friday, July 25, 2008

Happy Brennan!

Brennan is now two months old. He weighed in at 13 pounds at the Dr.'s office yesterday! Brennan has had issues with spitting up and acid reflux. It has been so bad that I issue a warning to everyone who wants to hold him! His Dr. has put him on zantac and we are hoping that helps. It was also recommended that we start him on a small amount of rice cereal. The cereal should help the spitting up and as an added benefit, it may help him sleep longer! I am still very sleep deprived as Brennan is usually up at least twice a night. I am hoping with the medication and cereal he will be more comfortable so I can get some zzzzzzz's! We started the regimen last night. Brennan seemed to really like the cereal and ended up sleeping 6 hours straight... yipee!
Mason is doing well. He had a rough time with me returning to work but, I think he is getting use to the routine. Yesterday he went pee on the potty for the first time! He did it all by himself too! We were very excited. Something to make you laugh: This morning he was outside and looked up in the sky and saw the moon. He said "moon in sky". I said "yes". He then said "cow?". I said "no there is no cow". He then started to cry because he could not find the cow jumping over the moon! I tried to explain that the cow only jumps over the moon in books but, I don't think he gets that yet! Mason is very attentive to Brennan. As soon as he starts crying, Mason comes running to see if he can help. What a good big brother!
I have had a tough couple of weeks with having to return to work. I am hoping it gets easier as the weeks go by and I get some sleep! We are heading to visit Rob's parents in New York next week. It will be an interesting trip as it is about a nine hour drive. The new DVD player will hopefully keep Mason busy and hopefully Brennan will sleep a lot!

1 comment:

Heather said...

He's already getting so big! Carina was a spitter upper too - no fun! So many of her and my clothes got stained from that yucky spit up!! I hope the medicine and cereal help. Have a fun trip to New York! What weekend will you be in CA again - was it the 13th of Sept???
Also, so exciting about the potty news :-) What a big boy!
~Heather :-)