Sunday, December 14, 2008

Let it Snow!

Brennan pulls up to standing on just about any object or person. (No, that is not an angelic halo! That picture is from my old camera which is obviously broken!)
Mason eating snow. (New camera!)

Just a dusting of snow and really we could only stay out for about 10 minutes... it was freezing!
We are getting ready for Christmas. We have decorated and the boys have done well with leaving the tree intact! We have all been sick recently but seem to be on the mend. Brennan had the worst of it with croup. It was a little scary since it was our first ER visit with Brennan but, he is a brave boy. He even managed to give the nurse a smile while he was having a hard time breathing.
We took Mason and Brennan to see Santa today. We have no pictures to show since they both cried over the whole ordeal! Brennan sat on Santa's lap and immediately started crying. Mason never even gave it a try. Maybe next year!

1 comment:

Heather said...

We took Carina to some "trucked in" snow last weekend and she was not a fan. I'm not brave enough to even attempt a Santa visit :-)