Sunday, April 8, 2007

Chiovaro Family Vacation

We are back from our vacation at Myrtle Beach, SC. We had a great time! There are so many activities to do in Myrtle Beach and I don't think we even did half of the things that looked interesting. We went to the zoo, played golf, spent a day at the beach, attacked the Nascar Speedpark (Mason and I just observed there!), played in the pool at our condo, went to Medieval Times and got some shopping in. Mason loved hanging out with his cousins every day! He was so excited to see them first thing in the morning. Mason worked on his crawling and he is so close! He had a hard time sleeping on vacation with all of the excitement and new environment. That made for a not so restful vacation for me, but we still had fun! The dogs and cat did great while we were gone with our pet sitter. They were excited to see us though!
These two pictures are of Mason at the beach. He loved the sand! We had to keep his binky in so he wouldn't eat it!

Uncle Rick and Mason at the Zoo

Mommy and Mason floating down the Lazy River!

This is what we woke up to on our first morning home... unseasonable snow!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Are you wearing a bikini?! I hope I look half that good at 7 months post partum! :-)