Saturday, March 29, 2008

Easter Fun

Mason swinging
Coloring eggs (Not a great picture of me but shows of the big belly!)
Batters Up!
Mason continues to become more of a big boy. About two weeks ago we decided he needed to stop using his pacifier (binky is what we called it). I anticipated that it was going to be a horrible event. Really, it was tough for the first 24 hours. For several days he kept asking for it but seemed alright with the answer “binky all gone”. I am so glad that Mason has made this adjustment somewhat easy.

Mason can now count to five! He has been able to say one, two and three for awhile now. A couple of days ago, Rob was counting objects with him and Mason said “four, five”. It was so cute! He can also say “a, b, c, d”. His language has really taken off. Last week he picked up a piece of cellophane and asked “Is this trash?”.

Easter was a fun time. Mason’s favorite thing was the dying of the eggs. He really got into by dipping not only the eggs but his fingers in the dye. When he was done he had blue hands and he looked at them and said “Uh, oh!”. Straight to the bath he went. We took him to an egg hunt at a local park. Rob and I discovered that we are still very much rookie parents. As we pulled up I noticed everyone had Easter baskets to collect their eggs. I hadn’t even thought of it! Of course there were no bags to be found in the car. So, I emptied my purse and Mason used it to collect his eggs! It was a crazy event as there were hundreds of kids and Mason had no clue what to do. So Rob carried Mason as we ran to a spot where Mason could actually pick up some eggs. We will be better prepared next time.

We had a good Easter day. We started by going to church with our friends Joe and Julie, Sister-in-law Cathy, and the boys. We then had Easter dinner at Rick and Cathy’s house. Bradley, Ben, Blake and Mason hunted for plastic eggs in the back yard. Mason collected the eggs but quickly found out that Aunt Cathy had stuffed them with candy! He kept shaking the eggs and then prying them open to find the goodies! He has a sweet tooth! Blake and Mason played with Mason’s new T-ball set. Mason has a good stance and swing already!

I am starting to feel more uncomfortable. At my checkup last week, the Dr. said that the baby has dropped really low which is the reason for being uncomfortable. She said it will make for an easier delivery but I will be pretty much miserable for the next two months!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Popsicle Kid!

Popsicle time! Now that it is getting a bit warmer, Mason can enjoy his favorite treat!
Mason turned 18 months old last week. He had his Dr. Checkup and he received a healthy report! He weighed in at 23.5 pounds and was 32.5 inches long. He has been saying new words almost every day. He now asks “what is that?” when he is unsure of what an object is. He hates making a mess with his food! He always wants a napkin and if there are crumbs on his lap he starts yelling “mess, mess”. He had a big fall the other day that scared me. He was trying to go down the steps of our porch (which he does very well) and our dog Clemens knocked him from behind. This sent Mason flying face first into the dirt and rocks. He ended up with some scrapes and bruises on his face but he is healing well. He is a tough guy!
I am starting to feel a bit uncomfortable. This baby is really active at night making it hard to sleep. I only have nine weeks to go though! We are starting to get the house ready for the new arrival. We are also working on getting Mason as ready as we can. He has been playing with my old Cabbage Patch doll. I taught him that we kiss and hug babies. Now every night before bed he wants to kiss the doll! We have started a new playgroup as well. There are three infants that he seems intrigued by. The playgroup is also good for another reason… there are mostly girls in the group! Mason hardly ever gets to play with girls. He was fascinated watching them play dress up! He is very shy though and only started interacting when he discovered the trains.